Our Blog
Helpful insights and resources to empower you to give care
Caregiving with Presence and Grace Especially for Physicians
I am pleased to be partnering with my closest medical school friend and life coach, Dr. Jessie Mahoney, to present a special program for physician caregivers of aging loved ones. Please see link below for more information.
Expertly facilitated small-group coaching
Caregiver education
Mindfulness Training
Caregiving with Gratitude
As a physician, we often face the added self-inflicted responsibility to “fix” or “treat” or “manage” the medical conditions our loved ones will face. Each of us comes from a unique point of view – here is my daughter-wife-sister-physician story.
What’s Normal, What’s Not: Changes Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
One of the most common questions I receive from my senior patients and their caregivers is what changes in cognition and behavior are normal as we age and what’s not.
Welcome to Just This Moment
If you have ever been a caregiver or are currently a caregiver, you will understand the importance of staying in the moment to thrive in your role. The goal of this website is to provide education and mindfulness training to caregivers - family, friends, and professionals.