Find immense joy and satisfaction as you focus on just this moment and when you make each moment count.
Dealing with your loved one's dementia diagnosis can be worrisome and frustrating, especially when there’s little support.
We understand your concerns and we’re here to help you.
Just This Moment aims to equip and empower as you give care for your loved one, and take care of yourself too.
Mindfulness Training for Caregivers
Led by Dr. Mary Norman, this program is designed to help participants build resiliency through a variety of mind-body principles and self-care interventions, leading to reduced medical symptoms, reduced caregiver stress, and enhanced quality of life.
Developed by Harvard professor and pioneer in Mind Body Medicine, Dr. Herbert Benson, the SMART (Stress Management and Resiliency Training) program has been proven in many rigorous clinical studies to improve participant’s health outcomes and quality of life.
This course consists of 8 weekly sessions in which we learn to recognize stress in our lives, explore our stress triggers, and learn ways to alleviate stress using a combination of mindfulness techniques.
Join us to develop skills that will be life-changing both for you and for your loved one.
Speaking Engagements / Educational Forums
Speaking engagements/educational programs for groups, either remotely or in-person, can be arranged and personalized to suit your needs.
We create original presentations on dementia and common topics related to senior health and mindfulness and also present a standardized curriculum in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association.
10 Warning Signs
Effective Communication Strategies
Understanding Dementia Behaviors
Dementia Conversations
Healthy Living for your Brain & Body
Living with Alzheimer’s for Caregivers - Early
Living with Alzheimer’s for Caregivers - Mid
Living with Alzheimer’s for Caregivers - Late
Advance Care Planning
Mindfulness for Caregivers

Empowering dementia caregivers with education and mindfulness
For inquiries, you may send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.